Allows you to build in ways not before possible
{Rotate Keybind} + [Up] = increase build Z rotation by 90 degrees
{Rotate Keybind} + [Down] = decrease build Z rotation by 90 degrees
{Rotate Keybind} + [Left] = increase build X rotation by 90 degrees
{Rotate Keybind} + [Right] = decrease build X rotation by 90 degrees
{Sprint Keybind} + [Up] = Enable the "Force Accept" override
{Sprint Keybind} + [Down] = Disable the "Force Accept" override
{Sprint Keybind} + [Left] = Enable the "Override Raycast" override
{Sprint Keybind} + [Right] = Disable the "Override Raycast" override
{Rotate Keybind} + [Alt] = Reset build rotation
{Sprint Keybind} + [Alt] = Reset overrides
[Alt] = While held enables the "Permission Ignore" override.
[Alt] + {Sprint Keybind} = While held enables the "Permission Ignore" override + ignore lack of support.
[H] = Toggle keybind HUD display
Force Accept: Allows any object to "connect" to any snap point. This means pillars can be placed in places other than corners, anchors can be placed on upper levels, etc.
Override Raycast: Causes the game to use a different placement point finding method that allows objects to be placed on objects that would normally not allow it. This means you can place chests on top of other chests, place the steering wheel off-center, etc. The Override Raycast is not recommended to be used while using the Building Hammer, but will still work to some extent.
Permission Ignore: Will make the game ignore build collisions and checking if the object is underwater. This means that objects can be placed almost anywhere that you can get the building ghost to appear.
Override Support: Will make certain blocks (primarily floors) not require support. Turning this off may cause any unsupported pieces to break.
Surface Type Override Forces the placement to use the prefab for a specific surface type. Valid values are Default, Floor, Wall, Ceiling, FloorAndCeiling, LongWall, RoofStraight45, RoofStraight45Inv, Pipe or None. With it set to "None" the surface type override is disabled
Pipe Collision Override Makes pipes ignore solid objects when trying to connect to other nearby pipes. This allows them to connect through walls
This mod should be loadable and unloadable at any time
Mod inspired by Mod Idea by User Toy
Description last changed on 2024-03-07