Shark Spy

Disguise yourself as a shark and swim freely!


Version 3.1.0LatestUntested
  • Updated to .rmod

Released on 2020-08-06

Version 3.0Untested
  • mod works again
  • multiplayer compatible

Released on 2020-05-26

Version 2.1Untested
  • Added support for Update 10

Released on 2019-12-04

Version 2.0Untested
  • Recoded mod from scratch (By TeKGameR)
  • Updated mod to .cs file.
  • Fixed an issue where the shark would have a glitchy animation.
  • Fixed a FPS drop issue.

Released on 2019-09-20

Version 1.1Outdated

This is the first version.

Released on 2019-05-20