Make sure the mod loader is working by pressing "Play". A mod menu should appear as you reach the main menu. After that, close the game.
Install RaftVR for Flatscreen Players with the "Install mod" button or download the file directly with "Download this mod" to drag it into the mods folder.
Press "Play" in the mod loader. When reaching the main menu, you should see a pop-up for the mod menu.
In the mod menu, go to the "Mod manager" tab and load the mod by clicking the plug button.
If you don't want to repeat this step each startup, check the option to load the mod on startup by clicking the "i" button and checking "Load this mod at startup".
The Raft Mod Loader Launcher should open shortly and ask you
whether to install this mod. If the Launcher does not open, make
sure to install the latest version from our
downloads page.
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Thank you for downloading!
To keep the development of the mod loader, the dedicated server
and the website going, please consider supporting us on Patreon.
Your support can help us cover the costs for hosting the website,
software releases and development tools.
Need support?
Is anything not working as expected? Don't worry, we've got you
covered! Please join our Discord server
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experience on Raft.