Mod to replace player model with VRM model. プレイヤーモデルをVRMモデルに差し替えるMOD
You can change the player model to your favorite VRM model.
When RaftVRM is activated, a RaftVRMData folder is created in the Raft/mods folder. Just put the VRM file in it and adjust it in the configuration file, and VRM model will be applied the next time Raft is launched.
After installing RaftVRM, activate RaftVRM and exit Raft. At this time, "LOADED AT STARTUP" can be enabled.
RaftVRMを導入後、RaftVRMを有効化しRaftを終了します。この時、「LOADED AT STARTUP」は有効化しても大丈夫です。
Put the VRM file into the RaftVRMData folder and rename it to your own Raft player name. e.g.) yoship1639.vrm
VRMファイルをRaftVRMDataフォルダに入れ、自身のRaft内のプレイヤー名にリネームします。例) yoship1639.vrm
Copy settings_template.txt in the RaftVRMData folder as "settings_player.txt". e.g.) settings_yoship1639.txt
RaftVRMDataフォルダ内にあるsettings_template.txtをコピーして「settings_プレイヤー名.txt」という名前で作成します。例) settings_yoship1639.txt
Rewrite the settings file to make detailed adjustments to suit VRM. Setting RealtimeSettings=True allows real-time adjustment while Raft is running.
Have fun with RaftVRM!
Please contact @yoship1639
Description last changed on 2022-07-27