More Trash

Change the amount of trash spawning in your world


Version 3.0.1LatestOutdated
  • Fixed commands.

Released on 2020-08-07

Version 3.0.0Untested
  • Updated to .rmod

Released on 2020-08-06

Version 2.1.0Untested
  • Now only removes trash, not dropped items

Released on 2019-10-11

Version 2.0.1Untested
  • Fixed wrong update URL

Released on 2019-10-11

Version 2.0.0Untested

Reworked the method of changing the spawn interval, this now changes the in game spawner.

  • Added ability to delete all objects (This does include dropped items on raft)
  • ItemInterval now saves (All worlds use same saved value)

Released on 2019-10-11

Version 1.0.3Untested
  • Fixed items still spawning when the raft wasn't moving

Released on 2019-10-09

Version 1.0.2Untested

Fixed Update Checker URL

Released on 2019-09-18

Version 1.0.1Untested

Added Version Checking URL

Released on 2019-09-14

Version 1.0.0Untested

This is the first version.

Released on 2019-09-14