Allows you to update your mods ingame
Released on 2023-07-06
Released on 2023-06-11
I'm sorry guys, i got the time to make another new version today XD
Extra Settings API and Modutils will now get automatically downloaded if they aren't already. If they are, they will be run like permanent mods.
Now you don't have to worry about dependencies anymore ;)
Delete mods in-game
As extra settings and modutils are now "standard mods", i will add a functionallity for mod authors to add additional dependencies in the modinfo.json
Released on 2022-07-18
Note: If you change the setting in the mods tab it will only be applied once the settings are closed!
Released on 2022-07-18
Released on 2022-07-11
Please mod authors, configure your mods properly… It takes less then 5 minutes to fill out the modinfo.json ;)
And theres even a tutorial on the website ;)
Released on 2022-07-11
Small update as I couldn't work efficiently due to issues with the mod loader. They are mostly related to my windows installation so I'm not blaming anyone ;)
Expect upcoming bugfix updates for the modupdater and new updates for the modpacks mod including mod profiles for different worlds ;)
Released on 2022-07-10
This Update may download all unofficial fixes again. It is only to change it to the new versioning system. After updating these once it won't get updated again everytime you launch.
Big thx to thmsn (and another user who doesn't want any spam in his DM's so i don't name him XD) for providing ideas and code ;) And thx to all the others pointing out errors and bugs ;) You all made the 2.1 even possible XD
This version would have been better as 2.0, I know… ;)
This will be one of the final versions. There may be upcoming feature updates but the next updates will mostly be bugfixes…
And as usual if you encounter any issues/bugs ping me @FranzFischer#6710 !!!
Released on 2022-07-07
And as usual ping me in the support channels if you encounter any bugs/issues
This was a small update today XD Expect the following in the (atm) last feature updates:
Big thx to thmsn (and another user who doesn't want any spam in his DM's so i don't name him XD) for providing ideas and code ;) And thx to all the others pointing out errors and bugs ;) You all made the 2.0 even possible XD But stay tuned for more ;)
Released on 2022-07-05
Now the ModUpdater will overwrite the version color in the launcher and display correctly whenever there is an update or not:
Changed the behaviour of the arrow download button
To do for 2.0 (final I guess):
Released on 2022-07-04
Released on 2022-07-04
To-do: Update 1.9:
And as usual if you encounter any bugs or issue ping me in the support channels ;)
Released on 2022-07-03
And as usual if you encounter any bugs/issues whatever ping me in the channels!
Released on 2022-07-02
Released on 2022-07-02
Make sure Extra Settings API is set as permanent. Otherwise it won't be recognized properly… You can choose to not use Extra Settings API. Auto Updates will be turned off in that case…
Released on 2022-07-01
To the modders:
If the update url does not exist the update won't be downloaded. You'll have to download it manually.
Mods that had a wrong Update url and have to be updated manually:
Released on 2022-07-01
If any of the unofficial mods gets officially released or theres a new unofficial fix ping me in any of the channels so I can update the file containing the unofficial fixes as quickly as possible. I won't be online 24/7 so please be patient if this takes several hours…
Released on 2022-06-30
Released on 2022-06-30
Released on 2022-06-30