Misc Cheats

Adds a bunch of little cheat settings


banner for the Misc Cheats mod

IMPORTANT: You need the Extra Settings API mod to configure the settings. If you do not adjust any settings then nothing in the game will change

This mod adds the following options:

  • Name: Return Armor Resources

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Makes it so you get back the resources used to reinforce a foundation when you break it with an axe

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Computer Puzzle Time Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the time given to complete the computer puzzle in [STORY SPOILER]

    Multiplayer: This setting is primarily controlled by the host (the host controls whether or not the puzzle is completed "in time"), however each player will see the timer going according to their own settings

  • Name: Engine Power Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the number of blocks each engine can push

    Multiplayer: This setting is only controlled by the host

  • Name: Allow Respawn In Hardmode

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Makes the respawn button available in hardmode

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Allow Honeycomb In Refiners

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Allows you to directly insert Honeycombs into the refiner's honey tank. 5 Honeycombs are equal to 1 Honey Jar

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Animal Looting Time Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the time it takes to collect an animal. (note: lower numbers means it takes less time i.e. collects faster)

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it adjusted

  • Name: Mining Time Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the time it takes to mine items like the underwater resources around the islands. (note: lower numbers means it takes less time i.e. collects faster)

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it adjusted

  • Name: Seagull Awareness Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the distance that a seagull will detect players at

    Multiplayer: This setting is only controlled by the host

  • Name: Metal Detector Treasure Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the number of treasure points that are spawned on islands (changing the settings will only affect new islands, not existing ones)

    Multiplayer: This setting is only controlled by the host

  • Name: Free Vending Machines

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Allows you to buy items in the vending machines without requiring or costing vending machine tokens

    Multiplayer: This setting is only controlled by the host

  • Name: Sniper Ranged Weapons

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Makes all ranged weapons act like sniper weapons

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Sniper Zoom

    Type: Keybind and Number without decimals

    Description: While the keybind is held the camera will change to the specified FOV

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Reciever Auto-Off Timer

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Sets the time in seconds of how long the receiver will remain on before turning itself off. Set to a negative number to disable auto off timer

    Multiplayer: This setting is controlled by all players. Effectively the lowest setting will be the timer used

  • Name: Equal Fishing Loot Chances

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Makes all possible items have an equal chance when fishing

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Free Crafting/Building

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Makes all crafting and building cost no resources. While active, you won't get any resources back from breaking stuff with an axe either

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Console Max Entries Override

    Type: Number without decimals

    Description: Overrides the maximum number of entries kept in the RML console. Set to a negative number to leave at default limit

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Fishing Wait Time Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the time you have to wait before a fish will bite

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Fishing Catch Window Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the time you have to catch a fish after it has bitten

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Item Loot Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the number of items you get from picking up items (not dropped items) and harvesting plants

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Keep Inventory on Respawn

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Makes you always keep your whole inventory when respawning

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Receiver Works Anywhere

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Makes the receiver work regardless of the height it is placed at

    Multiplayer: This setting is primarily controlled by the host (the host controls whether or not the receiver is successfully detecting story islands), however each player may or may not see the receiver working according to their own settings

  • Name: Antenna Works Anywhere

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Makes antenna work regardless of where it is placed and it's position relative to the connected receiver and other antenna

    Multiplayer: This setting is primarily controlled by the host (the host controls whether or not the receiver is successfully detecting story islands), however each player may or may not see the receiver working according to their own settings

  • Name: Battery Capacity Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the max capacity of battery items. This will not affect the remaining uses of existing items

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Equipment Durability Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the max durability of equipment items. This will not affect the remaining uses of existing items

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Tool Durability Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the max durability of tool items. This will not affect the remaining uses of existing items

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Food Uses Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the max uses of food items that can be consumed multiple times. This will not affect the remaining uses of existing items

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Collection Net Capacity Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the max capacity of collection nets

    Multiplayer: This setting is only controlled by the host

  • Name: Allow Smelting Bolts and Hinges

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Allows you to put bolts and hinges into the smelter to melt them back into ingots

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Sprinkler Radius Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the radius the sprinkler can water crops in

    Multiplayer: This setting is only controlled by the host

  • Name: Sprinkler Max Vertical Distance Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the vertical offset a crop can be watered at

    Multiplayer: This setting is only controlled by the host

  • Name: Cooking Table Mode

    Type: Choice

    Description: Changes how the cooking tables (cooking pots and juicers) search for the item to use to collect the soup:

    • Default: the vanilla behaviour
    • Disable Pickup Item: the table does not require and will not use any item to collect the contents
    • Better Item Detection: Tables can use a collection item from anywhere in the inventory and does not require you to have the item in your hand

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Player Use Distance Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the max distance you can interact with objects from

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Return Dishes

    Type: Choice

    Description: Get more of your items back when using stuff:

    • Default: the vanilla behaviour
    • Multiplayer Safe: using honey jars will return "Scrapped Glass" (which can be crafted into regular glass), items cooked at cooking tables will return their dishes (unless Disable Pickup Item is enabled)
    • Full: Same as Multiplayer Safe but also cooking tables will leave "After Use" items on the table after starting the cooking process (this means milk buckets will leave an empty bucket on the table)

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled. Full mode is recommended to only be used if all players have the mod and have also set this setting to Full. Also worth noting: while the "Scrapped Glass" item won't cause any issues in a multiplayer, if left in a chest that is opened by a player without this mod, the item will disappear; to prevent this the other player only needs to have the mod installed, they do not need to configure this setting

  • Name: Automatic Doors

    Type: On/Off

    Description: When you walk towards a door it will automatically open, then will close again when you walk away. It will not automatically close doors that were open before you walked up to it

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Allow Forced Mining

    Type: On/Off

    Description: While holding right-click you can mine with the hook even while on land. This is mainly to allow you to gather those "underwater" resources where the water is too shallow for you to start swimming to collect them

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Seagull Attack Prevention

    Type: Choice

    Description: Makes seagulls ignore specific categories of plants when picking a target to attack:

    • No Change: the vanilla behaviour
    • Ignore Flowers: Will ignore all flower types
    • Ignore Medium Plants: Will ignore medium sized plants like the pineapple and watermelon
    • Ignore Medium And Flowers: Combination of Ignore Flowers and Ignore Medium Plants
    • Ignore All: Seagulls will not attack crops at all

    Multiplayer: This setting is only controlled by the host

  • Name: Min Foundations For Shark Attack

    Type: Number without decimals

    Description: The shark will not attack the raft if you have less foundations than the number entered

    Multiplayer: This setting is only controlled by the host

  • Name: Max Foundations For Shark Attack

    Type: Number without decimals

    Description: The shark will not attack the raft if you have more foundations than the number entered. Set to -1 to disable

    Multiplayer: This setting is only controlled by the host

  • Name: Disable Scarecrow Damage

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Prevents the basic scarecrows from being damaged by seagulls

    Multiplayer: This setting is only controlled by the host

  • Name: FOV Override

    Type: Number without decimals

    Description: Override's the game's FOV setting. Set to -1 to disable

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Time Speed

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Override's the game's time speed (How fast time passes). Number is in in-game hours per second (a value of 1 would make a day 24 seconds, a value of 0.1 would make a day 240 seconds). Leave blank to disable

    Multiplayer: This setting is only controlled by the host but time passing may look odd to clients if they're speed is set too differently to the host's

  • Name: Allow Console While Paused

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Allows the console to open while the game is paused. It also attempts to fix the Mod Manager with the same problem but it currently only works once until you unpause and repause.

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Axe-on-Block Durability Loss

    Type: Choice

    Description: Changes when the axe loses durability while breaking blocks:

    • No Change: the vanilla behaviour (axe will lose durability each time it physically hits the block)
    • Once on Break: Axe will not lose durability while breaking the block but will lose 1 durability when the block breaks
    • Disabled: Axe will not lose durability while breaking blocks at all

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Axe is a Weapon

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Hitting animals with the axe will now hurt them. Deals 5 damage

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Electric Zipline Acceleration Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the acceleration speed while using the Electric Zipline Tool's motor

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Electric Zipline Max Speed Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the max speed while using the Electric Zipline Tool's motor

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Trade Posts Sell Blueprints

    Type: On/Off

    Description: The Trade Posts on large islands will sell every blueprint

    Multiplayer: The blueprints will only appear in the shop for players who have this enabled however you can only buy them if the host also has it enabled

  • Name: Timeless Hearty Stew

    Type: On/Off

    Description: While enabled, the timer on the Hearty Stew buff will not go down

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled

  • Name: Animal Production Time Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the time it takes for an domestic animal to produce more resource

    Multiplayer: This setting is only controlled by the host

  • Name: Brick Dry Time Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Multiplies the time it takes for a brick to dry

    Multiplayer: This setting is only controlled by the host

  • Name: Learn Recipes

    Type: Button

    Description: Instantly unlocks all the recipes

    Multiplayer: This can be used by anyone and will affect everyone

  • Name: Research All

    Type: Button

    Description: Instantly researches all researchable items

    Multiplayer: This can be used by anyone and will affect everyone

  • Name: Discover Blueprints

    Type: Button

    Description: Instantly makes all blueprint locked items available in the research table

    Multiplayer: This can be used by anyone and will affect everyone

  • Name: Forget Recipes

    Type: Button

    Description: Relocks all learnt recipes

    Multiplayer: This can only be used by the host while no other players are connected

  • Name: Unresearch All

    Type: Button

    Description: Reset's the items that have been researched. This does not forget any recipes

    Multiplayer: This can only be used by the host while no other players are connected

  • Name: Forget Blueprints

    Type: Button

    Description: Rehides all recipes in the research table normally requiring blueprints. This does not forget any recipes

    Multiplayer: This can only be used by the host while no other players are connected

  • Name: Shoveling Time Multiplier

    Type: Number with decimals

    Description: Adjusts how long it takes to shovel up things like dirt mounds. 1 is the vanilla speed, lower numbers make it take less time (0.5 would make it take half the time to shovel)

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it adjusted

  • Name: Treasure Digging Speed Multiplier

    Type: Number without decimals

    Description: Adjusts how fast you dig up treasure. 1 is the vanilla speed, treasure spots take 4 shovel hits to unearth, higher numbers are faster (2 would make it only take 2 shovel hits, 4 would make it take 1 shovel hit)

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it adjusted

  • Name: Boosted Stack Sizes

    Type: On/Off

    Description: Increases the max stacksize of all items (except for tools) to the maximum possible value (most items will be stackable to 2,147,483,647)

    Multiplayer: This setting only affects the user who has it enabled. Other players can see the large stacks but cannot stack items that high themselves

There is also a button to reset all settings

Loading the mod

This mod can be loaded and unloaded at anytime


Different settings behave in different ways in regards to multiplayer, check the descriptions above to see how the each setting behaves

Description last changed on 2024-06-10