Allows you to craft with resources in any storage container.
Released on 2023-03-23
Released on 2023-01-29
Released on 2023-01-13
Ability to toggle default refiner item by pressing R, it also sets the default to the currently held item if it is valid
This should allow you to use other things than raw potatoes with an empty hand, and continue to use the item you held if you used the last one.
Released on 2022-07-12
Fixed an issue where CostMultiple.HasEnoughInInventory would always return true for non player inventories
This allowed you to quick craft (+ icon) without resources when you had a storage open and probably caused other issues in general for other inventories where that method was called.
Thanks to Smashen for reporting it.
Released on 2022-07-11
Released on 2022-07-10
Released on 2022-07-04
Released on 2022-06-30
Patch Inventory.GetItemCount and Inventory.RemoveItem correctly for Auto Recipe Redux support
Fixes an error on load
Released on 2022-06-25
Fixed an issue with duplicate counts displayed with MoreStorage
Released on 2022-06-25
Fixed an issue where double resources would be removed when a chest was opened while crafting
Thanks to Maverik for bringing to my attention that RemoveCostMultiple had a new parameter
Released on 2022-06-24
Updated to Raft 1.0
Thanks to DeadByte42 for making the needed changes.
Released on 2022-06-24
Potentially fix duplication/sync issues by only broadcasting close storage event if you are the host and sending it to the host if you are not the host. - Thanks Aidanamite for guidance.
Released on 2021-07-29
Released on 2021-07-28
Added support for Auto Recipe Redux
Released on 2021-07-10
Fixed an issue removing items from storage when building with the hammer Patch RemoveCostMultiple instead of CraftItem and OnQuickCraft - Thanks Aidanamite
Released on 2021-07-09