Adds screens into Raft! You can watch Youtube videos, Soon twitch streams. It has custom sounds, custom blocks, custom items and way more!
Released on 2024-06-17
Released on 2023-01-28
Fixed youtube again, Thanks to Michiyo. A new update is in progress with new content but the youtube API is really annoying.
Just saying so you are aware of it, The youtube video feature WILL break in the near or far future.
Released on 2022-07-07
Released on 2022-06-20
Released on 2021-02-05
Released on 2021-02-02
Released on 2020-07-28
Released on 2020-07-09
Released on 2020-07-05
Released on 2020-06-06
Released on 2020-04-07
Released on 2020-04-07
Released on 2020-02-19
Released on 2020-02-18